Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The jungle 29,30

Chapter 29
It's cool to see that jurgis is wants to know what the party is about and that's cool because he wants to know. It's cool that Ostrinski is sHowing jurgis about every thing and he is telling jurgis that workers need to get back and need to gain “class consciousness” so that they can organize in favor of their interests.
Chapter 30
It's cool to see that jurgis is telling his family about socialism and that's cool because he wants people to know about it and. So what's the whole book about I like it's about socialism.


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog and to make it even better you could make it longer. I agree that it was cool when Jurgis told his family about socialism.

  2. TJ,

    This is a good blog but it is short I would really like to see more of your typing.

  3. i like your blog TJ. you did a very good job.maybe make it a little longer next time!!!!!!!!
    <3 merrisa(:

  4. wow wow wow wow wow mr. tj dudet thingy magicer man bud pal homieeeee gg slice buckarooni pimp blah blah blah.... well you no here is the thing i kinds sorta really enjoyer your blog.... i can tell that man you really tried to understand1!!!!! (:

  5. I like you blog and I also like how you express certain ideas that you want to talk about but i still think your blog is a little hard to follow. You could try to read over it after and look for grammer errors so that people don't have to really think about what you are saying. Also, try and find synonyms for words that you overly use.

  6. TJ, Good job on your blog. I think you should put some more detail on your explanation and reaction, other wise good job.
