Monday, December 6, 2010

The Jungle 26

Chapter 26
It's cool to see that jurgis still has his job as a hog trimmer but, it's sad to see that the union and the packing factories are not getting along the works go on strike; so that makes a lot of people out of jobs at this point. Jurgis then gets a job as one of the bosses that of the killing beds and that is cool to see because he can kind of run the works that and part of the killing bed that is cool to see. What's cool to see is the packers are starting to give fresh meat to the people because they don't want they toturn on them and, that is so cool to see that the people care about what they are eating and it's good that it's come to this in the story. What's crazy is that jurgis attacks Conner and he goes back to jail so to me that is crazy because he just got out of jail and now he is back in ther that is sad to see what is happen to him in kind of a good time in his life. Therfore, what this chapter is trying to show people is the way that the corruption of the system and that is sad because many people did not know about this whole thing that was going on in packing town at the time and that is sad to see this going on in the story.


  1. It was sad to see Jurgis put back into jail baiscally after he gets out. This is a excellent blog TJ I really enjoyed it and you picked out the corruption

  2. TJ,

    Once again you have a awesome reaction for the 1 chapter we read and its well explained haha good workkkkkkkk

  3. Good Job Blggin..
    I agree that it is crazy that Jurgis attacks Connor. Good Work

  4. Tj, i think you did a good job with the whole little bit of summary then your feelings but what i noticed was that you said "that's cool to see" a lot. I feel like you could give us more of a variety of words because i know you have an extensive vocabulary.

  5. dr mr tj man guy sir buddy pal.. i think you did a good job at your reaction... it coula beena lil better if you didnt constantly say whats cool to see is.................. but otherwise you did good! and i said i was going to be mean but im not a mean person so what would even be thr point of trying to be mean... aha ohhhh welllllllll (: love you!

  6. TJ,
    It looks like you are still struggling with the semi colon and the comma. Please ask for clarification today or come and talk to me at lunch.

    Mr. J
