Tuesday, October 5, 2010


The reaction that i have to all of this is so sad. The way that people treated to slaves on the ship was sad how they would kill them or throw them over and not can or how they would wrip them till they were blood all over. These people were strong because they went though so much and lived and that is so great but its just so sad how some poeple would just kill themself and that show how hard it was on them and the things that made them do that. I dont now how to made a reaction to this its just so hard to think about this and how the America and other countries treated them like this becuase alot of people dont know what it was like and they just think it was a piece of cake and they had it easy but if you watch this you will get a goood idea of what they had to do or what they went though.
If I was on the ship I would jump off the ship I know that if I jump off that I would have a bad way to get home but I would die out at sea thenget killed on he ship.
If I had a baby I thin that i would stay on the ship and let the baby live but it would be hard to with me and the baby I dont know what to do at that point I thnk that many people would stay on the ship with their baby.

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