Monday, October 11, 2010


In the chapters that we read it was very instering and what happen to Frederick Douglass the first thing was that he moved away to live with a new slaveholder and he did not like that the other thing that he say in this part of the story is> But i did like the story at this point and im learing so much about what happen to slaves during this time and it's so sad that people didnt thing this was bad but i think it was. The thing i also liked is the details that he is using in the story and im  thinking about what he is saying and i can see it in may mind. but the one that i dont like is the slaveholder they are making me so mad how they treated the slave and thats makes me so mad but it makes me sad to think of what the Africa- Americas had to do for the people and one body cared about it and thats wrong  but in this part i think its great and i want to read alot more of the story to see what happens to him.


  1. I like that you said what you likes and didn't like about the reading an why. Good job..

  2. Dearrrrr T.J....
    I think you did a great job at stating what you like and disliked. I feel like you could have been a little more clear on things for example when you talk about what he said maybe say who he is and what he said and then tell how you feel about it. other than that i think that you did a great job....


  3. Yo TJ i like this paragraph haha its informative. I only wished you would of used spell check haha but its all good haha. Keep it up dude!

  4. TJ,
    I like that you are practicing your meta cognition skills but I would like to see you referring back to the actual text. Don't be afraid to ask questions and to specifically discuss why you liked or disliked a specific part of the text. Instead of explaining that you are mad, explain why you are mad.

  5. That is great that you are interested in this. I am sorry that reading about the slaveholders is making you angry but none of us can do anything about it. I am glad that you enjoyed it however.
